Yesterday I received a sad bit of news.  My friend Mike passed away.  Mike and I hadn’t kept up the last couple of years, but I will miss him nonetheless.

I was going through a divorce in 1998.  There were three friends that I leaned on heavily during that period.  Mike was one of them.  We spent some time talking, and he really helped me through that difficult time.  A couple weeks after all of that started, the engine in my car blew up…  (when it rains, it pours, right?).  Mike loaned me his Jeep for a couple of weeks while I put my junk back together.  When I called Mike, he didn’t ask why.  All he wanted to know was how he could help.

But the thing that will always be first in my mind when I think of Mike HAS to be his sense of humor.  He was a walking Peanut Gallery.  His wit was lightning quick and often biting.  He used humor as Zorro used a sword.  The difference being that with Mike, he cut to the core of the matter with the best of humor.  And it was always in the best way.  And Mike had one of the biggest hearts in the world.  He was always ready to help in any way he could.  He gave me a shoulder to cry on, and a kick in the butt when I needed it.

As I said on FaceBook, the world is a sadder place.  I will miss Mike’s humor, compassion and advice.

Rest in Peace, Mike.  Heaven is lucky to have you.