Boy Scouting (Boy Scouts of America)

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Can you believe that we are only a couple of weeks away from the start of school here in Gwinnett County?  Well… we are.

So this is the perfect time to think about getting involved in Scouts.  Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Venturing, etc.  Now, there might be a membership drive at your child’s school in a few weeks, but there is a great reason to get involved a little early… that is when the best volunteer opportunities are still available.  And you REALLY should volunteer (as a parent).

There are a lot of things that go into Scouting that are all but invisible behind the scenes.  In addition to things like Cub Masters and Scout Masters, there are loads of Committees, both at the Pack/Troop level, and at the District level.  And if those jobs don’t get done, neither do the camping trips or the meetings or anything else.

There is another HUGE benefit to Scouting… and this is for your child…  Responsibility, Maturity and Confidence.  They learn these traits and more.  And they learn it best when YOU are there next to them… teaching those traits.

The other day on the radio I was listening to a host talk about the (lack of) quality he saw in the “boys” his daughters were dating.  There were several calls from parents agreeing… and a couple of them were from parents with boys noting the same observation with the girls that their sons dated.  The parents with sons that were actually accomplishing things also mentioned that their boys had been Scouts…  Eagle Scouts.

For girls, Gold Award Scouts have the same distinction as Eagles.  It is a true accomplishment, one that will follow them for life.

So… find your local Scouting group… get involved.

Here is a post I wrote last year about how excited my son was with getting started in Cub Scouts.  He is still involved, we are still involved and we are all looking forward to a new year… with a new Cub Scout Pack (we just moved).

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