Trick or Treat in Sweden.

Image via Wikipedia

Yep, it’s today.  And while it IS because it’s Halloween, it has little to do with ghosts, goblins and spooky beings from the Netherworld.  It has to do with the little people that many of us have living in our homes… and their candy gathering activities this evening.

It is the same story every year.  The afternoon traffic is INCREDIBLY bad.  Parents are all rushing to get home in time to take their little Darth Vaders and Cowgirls and Prince Charmings out Trick-or-Treating.

There are a couple of choices…

  1. Skip the office completely.  Work from home or whatever.
  2. Get out a bit early.  Traffic will likely be an hour or two earlier than usual.
  3. Stay a little later.  That traffic will finish up an hour or two ealier than usual, too.

Above all, remember that there will be a lot of kids walking around at dusk and a little later.  Some parents might not be watching as carefully as they should… and the kids might not be thinking about cars as much as the next candy score.

Be careful out there… don’t have the wrong kind of scary Halloween.

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