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Category Archives: lilburn

Wayback Wednesday… Thanks Again, Ms. Curtis!

Ms. Curtis with my younger son

I hope I get a cool teacher like Ms. Curtis, too!

Last year I wrote a post as a ‘Thank You’ to my older son’s Kindergarten Teacher, Ms. Curtis.  G has been in a CLE (Continuous Learning Environment) class for the last two years, so he had Ms. Curtis again this year.  And again, she has earned a hearty Thank You for he efforts, compassion and leadership.

Unfortunately, the Multi-Age CLE class is going away, but Ms. Curtis isn’t.  She’ll still be at Arcado Elementary in Lilburn, GA, teaching Kindergarteners how to read, write, do math and integrate into elementary school.

G benefited greatly from the CLE class environment.  During his first year, as a Kindergartener, he had great mentoring from the 1st Grade students in the class.  Instead of just being taught by the teacher, the 1st Graders demonstrated leadership with the younger kids and helped teach them.

This year, as a 1st Grader, he had a couple of Kindergarteners that he mentored.  This gave him the opportunity to be a leader and demonstrate his skills and knowledge.

We all know that one of the best ways to learn is to teach… and this class leveraged that to great results.  The Kindergarteners got great peer-to-peer instruction from their friends, while the 1st Graders had the opportunity to teach and learn more effectively, while also building leadership skills.

Feel free to read last year’s post (linked above and through the picture).  There are several examples of ways that Ms. Curtis maintains great communication with the parents, helping to foster a better learning environment for her students.

Finally, one thing that we have really enjoyed is the opportunity to visit the classroom at any time.  With my Junior Achievement activities at Arcado, I was in the school every week for much of the year.  I took advantage of the opportunity to drop in unannounced numerous times.  I was always welcomed… and always impressed by the multitude of ways she engaged the class.  My wife and I (often along with our younger son) also attended many “special event” days in the class.  J was able to play, and the lessons in leadership became quite apparent.

All of the kids, Kindergarteners and 1st Graders, took time to help the younger kids.  Many younger siblings visited the class.  They would play with the toys and entertain themselves with books and other learning tools in the class.  The older kids were always patient and worked toward helping the youngsters…

Thanks Ms. Curtis. Thank you for the time and effort you put into teaching my children.  Thank you for the patience and compassion that you showed them.  Thank you for all of the work that you took on to make sure each child had the best opportunity to learn.

Wayback Wednesday… Still Bickering…

Gwinnett County Historic Courthouse, Lawrencev...

Image via Wikipedia

Last year I wrote about how Gwinnett County and 15 cities in the county were involved in a lawsuit.  At that time, they only had days to get things straightened out before there were serious issues with the “Qualified Status” of the local governments.

A year later and they are still bickering over it.

There are a few changes…  Some police departments were de-certified to use radar.  The Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Department stepped in and ran radar.  The lawsuits are continuing.  The County could go bankrupt if the cities win.  Residents in the cities could continue to face double charges for services provided by the cities.

This would be more fun if we could just break out the popcorn and watch without financial implications or worry about city and county service delivery.

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Lilburn, GA Market Report, April 2011


Image by lane.bailey via Flickr

Market stats for Lilburn, GA, April, 2011, indicates that there were 440 properties on the market (as of April 30th). Overall, there was about an 10.6 month supply of properties and 44 properties that closed (sold) in April.  I had been looking for an increase in sales for March and it came through.  And while April was an increase over last year’s sales (36), it was a decrease from March, 2011 (55 sales).  Usually, we would be on an upswing until July or August.  I’m still hopeful… the Absorption Rate notched down a little.

In the sub-$200k arena, there are 310 listings, with about an 9.6 month supply with 32 sales.  This represents most of the sales in the market area.  Sales dropped sharply from last month (43), and were only slightly above last year (31).  While the Absorption Rate dropped slightly from 9.7 to 9.6 months of inventory, I really wanted to see more movement in this segment.

Between $200k and $400k, there are 115 listings for sale, and about 14.4 months of supply.  This segment has been quite weak for months.  Having 0 sales in December, and only 6 in November didn’t help. Nine sales in January was HUGE. But, February was back down below last year.  March was strong last year, but a little stronger this year (9 v 8 in 2010).  April was HUGE… 11 sales compared to just 4 last year.  If May stays strong, this could signal a return to a more balanced segment… and Lilburn has been missing that.

From $400k to $600k, there are 11 homes on the market. The absorption rate is 11 months. There were no sales in this segment from December through February, but there were 2 in March, which really turned the segment around, followed by 1 sale for April.  It doesn’t seem like much, but this is a segment hasn’t posted that many months with back to back sales… Watch May, because there haven’t been sales posted three months in a row since 2009.

From $600k to $800k, $800k to $1M and Above $1M, there are 4 listings (combined), but too few sales to have any sort of reliable number of months of inventory.  March posted the first sale since August, 2010.  It was in the $600-$800k range. One of the listings is above $1M (none between $800k and $1M), and there is no market activity in the last 12 months for that range…

Lilburn is in Gwinnett County, GA, just outside of Atlanta. As of the 2000 Census, there were 11,307 people in Lilburn, but that is only including people in the city limits, and there has been a lot of growth since 2000 in Gwinnett County. It was incorporated in 1910. Lilburn is home to Parkview High School, and also has students that the Brookwood, Berkmar and Meadowcreek clusters. It is also home to Killian Hill Christian School, Providence Chrisian Academy, St. John Neumann Catholic School and Parkview Christian School. Possibly the most famous resident of Lilburn is General Beauregard Lee, a groundhog with a better winter prediction record that Puxatawnee Phil up in PA. Dominique Wilkins, formerly of the Atlanta Hawks also lives in Lilburn.

I have a page dedicated to Lilburn Market Data.

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Smokerise Baptist Church Car Show – 2011

Almost 100 cars.  Perfect weather.  Nice people.  Is there a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon?

Wayback Wednesday… Car Show THIS Weekend…

Busy Day... Part 1... Smoke Rise Baptist Churc...

Image by lane.bailey via Flickr

Kind of odd that for a “Wayback” post I would talk about an upcoming car show…  But the show happens around the first Saturday in May each year… and so THIS Saturday is the day.

Smokerise Baptist Church is having their 11th Annual Smokerise Car Show on Saturday from 9am until 3pm.  Registration runs from 9am until Noon… so there might be a few cars that don’t show up until late.  Judging runs from Noon until 3pm.

And check out this link for pictures from last year’s show.  There were some pretty cool rides on hand… and that was with showers threatening all day.

BTW, the other car show mentioned in that post, Mud4Blood, will be on May 28th.  That one promises to rock, too…

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