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Category Archives: news

Thank you Ms. Curtis… Arcado has great teachers!

My oldest son is getting ready to graduate Kindergarten.  And he has been loving it.  Much of that credit needs to go to his teacher, Ms. Curtis, at Arcado Elementary School in Lilburn, GA…

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Buford, GA Market Report – March 2010

Market stats for Buford, GA, March, 2010 indicate that there were 637 properties on the market. Overall, there was about an 12¾ month supply of properties.  Sales were up dramatically from March, 2009, as well as February.

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Sugar Hill GA Market Report – March, 2010

Market stats for Sugar Hill, GA , March, 2010 indicate that there are 219 properties on the market. Overall, there is about an 9½ month supply of properties, with sales remaining steady, although February was much weaker than the year prior, March was much stronger.  It is one of the few markets to show more strength in the last three months than in the last six.

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Lawrenceville, GA Market Report – March 2010

Market stats for Lawrenceville, March, 2010, indicate that there are 1566 properties on the market. Overall, there is about an 10.8 month supply of properties, with a continued deceleration in sales, since November.

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Wayback Wednesday… Point/Counterpoint on Foreclosures

Two years ago, I was looking at foreclosures.  There were several bad headlines, and I took a moment to look a little deeper.

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