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Category Archives: news

The November Gwinnett County Market Report is Posted

We have just put up the Preliminary Market Report for Gwinnett County, GA in the new market reports page.  It is interesting to see the disparity between the upper reaches and the entry level portions of the real estate market in Gwinnett.

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Wayback Wednesday… 1

We have a new feature on  To celebrate that this blog has been live for two years on WordPress… and a little before that on Blogger… we are rolling out Wayback Wednesday.  Each Wednesday we are going to look back at the week two years ago and select a post to discuss a little.

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Calling Private Briscoe… Gwinnett Airport

The Gwinnett County Commission is looking at an offer to privatize Briscoe Field.  Currently, the county owns and runs the airpost, near Lawrenceville, off GA316.  It has an operating budget of about $1,000,000/year.  All of the money generated in fees and leases have to be plowed back into the budget for the airfield.

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Short Sales, Bank-Owned and Credit Pulls

A few days ago I wrote about how the purchase offering process is having issues… issues that are especially apparent on Bank-Owned Properties (we call them REOs).

Banks are often requiring that ALL offers be accompanied by pre-qualification letters from specific approved lenders (perhaps even from their own loan department).  In other cases, the brokers representing the properties are interjecting this “requirement” on their own.

This morning, local (and nationally syndicated) radio talk show host, Clark Howard mentioned

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Job Loss/Mortgage Payment Insurance for Buyers!

We are pleased and excited to announce the roll-out of a new program for buyers…  Job Loss Insurance.

This is a cool program to take a little bit of apprehension out of buying a home.  In effect, it is an insurance policy that protects the buyer in case of job loss.  The policy will make up to 6 payments during the first year of ownership if you lose your job involuntarily (two periods up to 3 months each).  It is available with coverages up to $2000/mo.

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