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Tag Archives: buyers

Have you been to GarageHomesUSA?

If you haven’t been there lately, you are missing the changes.

The site has been completely re-themed.  It looks totally different, and has much better functionality.  The site has also been re-purposed somewhat.  There will be more of an emphasis on

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Cram Downs for Owner/Occupants a Good Idea?

It is gaining popularity among some in the political class.  The idea is being floated to change the law and allow “cram-downs” on

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Atlanta, 3rd Most Vacant City?

I just ran across a story from Forbes and Yahoo about America’s Most Vacant Cities.  The list is this…

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What’s in it for me?

With the recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, expected to be signed as soon as it hits the President’s desk, many are wondering what might be in it for them.

Well, with $790,000,000,000 there is room for a LOT of people to find a bit of cash. These are the ones that directly relate to housing:

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Gwinnett Real Estate Town Hall Meeting… UPDATED

I posted a couple of weeks ago about Diamond Dwellings sponsoring a Town Hall meeting about real estate in Gwinnett County.  Well… we have upgraded the status of the meeting.

It was just announced today that Lt. Governor Casey Cagle will be at the meeting.  This is the first of a series of meetings in Gwinnett County to talk about real estate and the general economy in 2009.

Meeting details are available here.  The meeting will be at Hamilton Mill on Tuesday, February 17th, from 6pm to 8pm.

Of course I will be there…

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