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Tag Archives: buyers

Misconceived Pricing Strategies?

These kind of stray away from blanket misconceptions and are more opinion… based, I feel, in observed circumstance…  It is also a two-fer.  One for sellers and one for buyers.

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I should get a Listing Specialist!… but…

I run across this a lot.  I am NOT a super lister, listing every house I can for sale.  I just want to make sure that you know that up front.  In fact, I don’t list every house I can.  I turn down listings.  And what I am about the say is going to make some agents unhappy…

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All real estate agents are the same… really?

Continuing on my series of common misconceptions of, about and regarding real estate and the real estate industry, let’s talk about real estate agents…

I hear this one a LOT. 

It is a common misconception that all real estate agents are effectively the same.  And it couldn’t be

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The “BESTEST” Deals are Foreclosures (or short sales)

I almost hate using the words on the blog because Google is going to find out and people are going to come rushing in for short sale and foreclosure information… But, what they heck…

There is a very common misconception that the only way to get a deal is to buy

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Gwinnett Market Report, January 2009

It is that time again…  I gave FMLS a couple of days to see if there were any fast revisions on the sales data (there was) and now I ready to let fly with the market report covering the preliminary numbers from December and the (probably) final numbers for November.

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