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Tag Archives: buyers

Wayback Wednesday… Don’t be Dumb Like a Bank

Sign of the times - Foreclosure
Image via Wikipedia

A couple of years ago I wrote a post about a particular property.  It was a foreclosure, and the bank acted stupidly.  And I’m not saying that lightly.  Had they accepted my client’s offer, they would have sold the property a year earlier and for $40k more than they eventually got.

It is an interesting read…

Now I see a lot of people making the same mistake from the other side of the fence…

I see buyers trying to deliver one last beating to the bank… often during the inspection phase… and losing a great deal over things that are trivial.  I understand it.  That doesn’t make it any better…

I had one client that was angry that the bank accepted his offer.  He thought they would counter.  I had warned him that they might accept of reject, but not counter.  Some of the banks have a number.  If you offer $1 over the number, they accept.  If you offer $1 below, they reject.  During the inspection period, this client made a LOT of demands.  The bank rejected.  No counter… no discussion.

Don’t make the same mistake the banks were making.

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Cool Garages… Yahoo

Old garage.
Image by Elsie esq. via Flickr

Yahoo Real Estate had an article about cool garages a few days ago.  They focused on some very high end homes… with some really cool garages.  Nice pictures.

I tend to focus on garages that are a little more within the budget realms of [reality].  Not that I would mind representing $10m properties… but there aren’t that many opportunities, and it isn’t a circle I travel in a lot.  Luckily, I love the people I work with, buyers and sellers that share a love of cars, Jeeps, trucks and motorcycles… just like me.

Anyway, hit the link for some great garage shots… and if you are looking for an agent that actually WANTS to check to see what the garage is like when touring a home, give me a call…

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Norcross, GA Market Report – April, 2010

Norcross, GA is a suburb of Atlanta in Gwinnett County. The population is 2000 was 8,41, but that only included the area inside the city limits, and it has seen tremendous growth since that census. The City of Norcross revamped their old town a long time ago, and it has served as a model for other towns in the area. It is also home to Meadow Creek and Norcross High Schools. One of the things that Norcross is known for locally is the beautiful older homes in the downtown area. They have maintained their historic flair quite successfully.

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Buford, GA Market Report – March 2010

Buford, GA is a suburb of Atlanta in Gwinnett and Hall Counties. The population is 2000 was 10,668, but that only included the area inside the city limits, and it had seen tremendous growth since that census.  Buford is home to Lake Lanier, one of Georgia’s premiere recreational areas, and Lake Lanier Islands.  Recently, the City of Buford has revamped their old town. It is also home to Buford (Buford City Schools aren’t a part of Gwinnett County Schools), Mill Creek, Mountain View and Lanier High School (Lanier will open for the 2010-11 school year).

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Sugar Hill, GA, Market Report – April, 2010

Sugar Hill, GA is a suburb of Atlanta in Gwinnett County. The population is 2000 was 11,399, but that only included the area inside the city limits.  The name comes from a bag of Sugar that spilled on a hill while in transit between Cumming and the railroad in Buford.  And while it is actually a big market, it is in the shadows of Lawrenceville, Duluth and Suwanee… which all are nearby.  That also makes it a great location, as it is close to everything that Gwinnett County, GA has to offer.

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