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Tag Archives: buyers

Norcross, GA Market Report, February 2010

Market stats for Norcross, February, 2010 indicate that there were 321 properties on the market. Overall, there is about a 9 month supply of properties, with sales remaining fairly steady…  Last February there were 38 sales, and there were 36 this time around.

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Buford Market Report – February, 2010

Market stats for Buford, February, 2010 indicate that there were 609 properties on the market. Overall, there was about an 15.5 month supply of properties, with sales slowing.  Oct/Nov were up dramatically, Dec was steady and January was down dramatically from last year.  February was down even more.

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Sugar Hill Market Report – February, 2010

Market stats for Sugar Hill, January, 2010 indicate that there are 202 properties on the market. Overall, there is about an 9 month supply of properties, with sales remaining steady, although February was much weaker than the year prior.  It is one of the few markets to show more strngth in the last three months than in the last six.

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Suwanee Market Report – February, 2010

Location in Gwinnett County and the state of G...
Image via Wikipedia

Market stats for Suwanee, January, 2010 indicate that there are 566 properties on the market. Overall, there is about an 12.3 month supply of properties.

In the sub-$200k arena, there are 121 listings, with under 8.3 months supply. This is stronger than most of the rest of the county, but not as strong as it was in November (less than 4 months supply).  Part of that is because of the increase in listings… and half the sales, although February was looking up.

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Flashback Friday… Tax Credit Mix

The First Time Home Buyer & Move-Up Buyer Tax Credits are slated to end unless a property is under contract two weeks from tomorrow.  I don’t see another extension this time.  Even the NAR isn’t pushing for it this time. (Active Military have an extra year to get the credit…)

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