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Tag Archives: buyers

Strange People… muttering… muttering…

Have you ever hung out around the County Courthouse on the first Tuesday of the month?

Outside the Hall County CourthouseThe County Courts CAN make for some great people watching on any day of the month (ok, any weekday…), but the first Tuesday on the month here in Georgia is a little more special.  There are deals to be had…  property deals.

OK, maybe there are deals to be had.  Honestly, there wasn’t much action on the foreclosure auction front… but I’m getting ahead of myself.

The the tax record on the County’s website said that the sale would take place at 8:30am…

First up were the tax sales. They started a moment after 10:00am.  There were six parcels to be auctioned off.  Five of them sold… and might have been good deals.  The final property was unable to attract a bid, and there were a few chuckles from the assembled thirty or so people.  None started above $1500 (except the last one) and the final bids ranged from just under $10,000 to just under $30,000…  I wasn’t there for those properties and hadn’t done any background, so I don’t know if they were good deals or not…

A few minutes later, some attorneys started showing up for the foreclosure auctions.  The banks involved had predetermined their minimum pricing.

Each lawyer would stake out his spot and begin “the chant.”  It consisted of the legalese that they were required to read before accepting bids.  They were quietly “speed-talking” the required verbiage in their own space… bidders wanding near to try to figure out which property they were representing.  They would each briefly mention the address of the property and the tax ID… before anyone knew what they were doing there.

It was largely the same crew of bidders, even though there was no actual bidding…

  • Mr. Bored This guy would mention his bid as if it was bothersome.  As he was outbid, he would slightly top the new bid… trying to sound like he would rather be anywhere but here…
  • Miss Aggressive She actually punched the air with several of her bids.  It was funny as she outbid Mr. Bored… the juxtaposition between her excitement and his “duty to respond”…
  • Mr. Business He effectively combined boredom and excitement…  It was obviously a duty for him to bid, he seemed to not care about the outcome.  At the same time, he was quick to react…
  • Mrs. Pre-occupied Perhaps she couldn’t be bothered to bid.  She would bid… but it just seemed that she was annoyed that the auctioneer expected her to stop her other conversations to pay attention…

In the end, I’m sure I missed some of the sales.  There were anywhere from 2-7 lawyers chanting at any given time.  But the one thing I did notice… nothing was sold.  One of the properties that I was familiar with was going for something between two and a half and three times what it would fetch on the open market…

Deals DO come up at auction.  But, you have to know the properties and what you are willing to spend to get them… BEFORE you get there.  And you have to know the players… who will be auctioning off the property.

from Gwinnett Garage Guy

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Sellers… Are you ready to compete for Buyers?

Poker Table at the 2004 World Poker Tour 5 Dia...
Image via Wikipedia

That’s right…

Buyers are looking at homes, and they still have a choice.

Don’t get me wrong, there is competition among Buyers for some homes, but the competition goes both ways.

Buyers that don’t snap up the deal fast enough might find that they lose it to another Buyer.  And Sellers that don’t accept solid offers might find that they lose the Buyer to another Home (Seller).

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Police Response Time… 15 Minutes…

Police Lenco Bearcat CBRNE Armored Rescue Vehi...
Image via Wikipedia

The listing said to call before visiting the home.  The listing sheet said that the alarm code was in the lockbox.  I called… the agent reiterated that the alarm code was in the lockbox.

The house had a keypad deadbolt.  The lockbox contained a code that accessed the deadbolt.

It was NOT the same code as the alarm… The alarm code was missing.  Of course, this was hard to communicate to the listing agent on the phone, as the blaring of the siren was drowning out everything else.  To top it off, she thought I was at a different house…

My buyer and I walked out to the front of the house.  He asked what we were going to do.  “Close the door and wait for the police… the agent says the system is monitored.”  We waited.

The listing agent was frantically trying to get the alarm code from the seller… the WRONG seller.  She was having ahard time understanding the address over the sound of the alarm.  So, when she called back with the alarm code, it wasn’t correct.  Alarm sounding again…

Still, no cops.

We sat down on the stoop.

My buyer asked if we should leave…  “Nope.  If the police are going to respond, I want to be sitting right here talking with you, not driving away.”  He thought it was a good point.

Here is our friendly neighborhood police officer…

He rolls up expecting a dog on premises… in addition to whomever set off the alarm.  I give him a card and tell him there isn’t a dog.  We chat for a few minutes.  And then I get a call from the listing agent.  She has the right code.  We get in and look around.

The conversation with the cop was quite friendly.  By waiting for him and not presenting a threat, he was comfortable when he got out of his cruiser.  Since we had all of the documentation he would need, in our hands… and our hands quite visible, we were all comfortable.

It could have been a lot different…

We could have tried to leave… that would be suspicious. We could have blamed the cop for showing up… that would be rude, he was just doing his job.  We could have just been angry… but there wasn’t anyone there to take the anger out on, and so it wouldn’t have been productive.  Even blaming the other agent wouldn’t have helped.  She had left the code in the box…

It would have been nice if she had the alarm code at her fingertips, but I don’t think it is fair to expect that…

The point is that by staying cool, and not developing an attitude, we sailed smoothly through something that could have gotten REALLY annoying.

As it is, the house is still on the “Possible” list…

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An Ovation for Novation

Cook Sheep
Image by James @ NZ via Flickr

After you find the house, you have to find a way to pay for the house. Sure, there are a few people that just write a check, but most of us find ourselves calling a mortgage broker or banker.

When people ask me who they think I should call, I have a short list. I have several folks that I have interacted with that are still in business… but near the top of the list is Ken Cook, President of Novation Mortgage. There are a few reasons that I give out Ken’s number so liberally. The first reason is that he is an actual expert. He teaches classes for investors on financing. He is also a walking encyclopedia of ways to spot mortgage fraud… as well as loan programs.

But the main reason that I have Ken on the short list is that I trust his answers. If he says someone can’t get financed, I am pretty sure they can’t get financed. I he says that someone is golden, they are golden. Too often, as real estate agents, we get letters and assurances that a buyer will be able to get funded… only to have a failure… And trust me, having a funding failure at the colsing table is NOT fun. And it does happen (ok, it hasn’t happened to me, but it has happened…).

There is something else… I count Ken as a friend. We have worked together to organize the Social Media Breakfast Atlanta series. We have worked together with clients. We have referred each other business… each trusting the other get his part done.

He is also a geek… and I mean that in a good way. He came into the business with a tech background. So, he is a great resource for cool geeky stuff to do in the real estate tech sphere. That might be part of the reason he is the co-host of Social Media Edge on Blog Talk Radio.

So, if you are a buyer, and you are getting a mortgage to buy your house… calling Ken is a good idea. When he tells you a rate, he means it. When he tells you the costs, he means it. When he tells you that he can help you make it happen, he means it.

But there is one thing that Ken can’t do really well… He can’t really deliver the weather on the news. That would be a different Ken Cook.

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Open House in Lilburn

Image by lane.bailey via Flickr

We are holding 590 Baltimore Ave in Lilburn open Sunday (August 2nd) from 2-5pm.  Stop by and say hello…
It is a great drive, over the creek and through the woods to the house… you would never believe this is just a few minutes to downtown Lilburn, and less than half an hour to downtown Atlanta.

View 590 Baltimore Ave in a larger map

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