Market stats for Lawrenceville, March, 2010, indicate that there are 1566 properties on the market. Overall, there is about an 10.8 month supply of properties, with a continued deceleration in sales, since November.
Market stats for Lawrenceville, March, 2010, indicate that there are 1566 properties on the market. Overall, there is about an 10.8 month supply of properties, with a continued deceleration in sales, since November.
Two years ago, I was looking at foreclosures. There were several bad headlines, and I took a moment to look a little deeper.
Market stats for Lilburn, March, 2010, indicate that there are 419 properties on the market (as of March 31st). Overall, there is about a 15.3 month supply of properties, with a slowing in sales since December. That is fairly normal for the winter season. March sales were up compared to 2009, though.
Preliminary stats for Duluth, March, 2010 indicated that there were 618 properties on the market. Overall, there is about an 14.3 month supply of properties, with a marked deceleration in Absorption Rate. However, sales in March were 59, compared to 44 a year earlier.
There are a lot of questions that revolve around property valuation. Sellers want to know how much their homes are worth and Buyers want to know the ‘right’ price to pay. Specifically, Sellers don’t want to leave money on the table, and buyers don’t want to put too much money on the table for the Sellers to take.
There are a lot of ways to try to figure out what a house is worth, and a lot of people that can provide opinions about that… And they are just that, opinions.
Except for one… There is one indisputable market valuation metric.