Welcome to part 2 of my anthology of previous blog posts. The purpose is to give a quick reference to the older posts for newer readers. All of these posts are tagged with “blog anthology.” If you click on that link to the right, you will get all of these posts. So, let’s dive in.

In Agent as Buyer, I wrote about my experiences looking at property with my wife… we haven’t bought yet, and it is on the back burner. But, it might be interesting to see how a real estate agent looks at personal real estate.

The next two posts are connected. In Mercedes Doesn’t Discount and But Wal-Mart Does, I talk a little bit about discount brokerages, FSBOs and full service brokerages. There are people that are best served by each model, and others that are poorly served by getting into the wrong one for the wrong reason.

Lessons From Driving School is primarily pointed towards real estate practitioners, but it obviously came from outside real estate, and the basic lesson applies to almost everything we might do.

Do you wonder What Buyers Are Looking For? If so, drop in and take a look at an abstract of the 2007 NAR Buyer’s Survey. I bring it up again later after it is released. Yes, garages are on the list…

I always preach that the value of a home is NEVER related to what one owes or what one paid, but in this post, I Stand Corrected.

Many homeowners wonder about Repairs, Improvements, Upgrades and Resale. They are important. When one is selling a home, is it worth it to spend money, and if so, how should it be spent? This is one of my most popular articles on Ezine.

Obviously, I think that consumers need an agent when they are buying a home. But, Buying a New Home… Still Need An Agent? lays out the case for having an agent that represents YOU and not the builder if you are buying new construction.

I know of a house that sat under contract for over six months. The discount broker let the seller sign a contract that didn’t give him an out if there was not timely performance by the buyer. I call that Customer Dis-Service, Pt. I.

Stone Mountain Park had a cool event this summer in conjunction with Animal Planet… it’s over now, but you can read about it here.

One of the most important things a marketing plan needs to include in order to sell a house is GOOD photos. After all, Pictures are the first (and maybe last) impression you will give a Buyer. These aren’t good…

Everyone wants to know, Are we on the edge of a Calamitous Housing Bubble? Well, this lays out the case for why we are actually doing pretty well in Gwinnett County, GA.

Since I was in a predictive mood, I decided to tackle What is going to happen to Interest Rates? So far, I seem to be on track. We had a bump that was a little smaller than I expected, but they are sliding now.

One of my best posts so far has been The “Dirty Little Secret” that FSBO companies won’t tell you! I was watching the news and there was a STUPID story about real estate “dirty little secrets”. But, I think they missed the mark. I didn’t mention it in the post, but the DLS that started it was that real estate agents don’t tell clients that they don’t exclusively own time shares… What idiot does NOT know that?

I am so misunderstood sometimes. On my other platform, almost EVERYONE missed the point of We specialize in American, Asian and European Cars and Trucks. It isn’t just for real estate, but that is a primary focus here.