I’m sitting here watching Game 5 of the NHL Stanley Cup Finals.  As I start this, the teams are in their second overtime.  Detroit leads Pittsburg 3-1 in the series, and they are tied 3-3 in this game.FrozenMoment_052708

Creative Commons License photo credit: jsorbieus

Since we are in OT, it is sudden death.  And despite the fact that these teams have been playing 90 game minutes of a 60 minute game… there is NO slowdown… NO break… NO coasting.  And, despite a questionable call giving the Penguins a Power Play… there is NO whining.

These are two teams made up of experts and professionals.  They do their job.  If the game isn’t going their way, they do their jobs.  If they take a hit… they still do their jobs.

If only more people could learn this.  When the housing market is tough, we should do our jobs.  If we think the calls by the media aren’t going our way… we should do our job.  No slowdown, no break, no coasting.

And people wonder why I like hockey…