A friend of mine is quite involved in a big fight right now.  Along with his neighbors and friends, he is fighting a river.  And while this is going on, he has taken time out to assemble some incredible blog posts with some inspiring photography.  He has another blog, but the one that is the most complete is his blog on Active|Rain.

So, without further ado, here are a couple of links to his posts.  They are loaded with pics, as well as videos, and truthfully, I think that the accompanying text is worth the price of admission.

Grab your boots and lend a hand

Grab your boots and lend a hand: A week in the Wisconsin flood

Voices from the flood: Wendell and Michelle

Voices from the flood: Wendell and Michelle

You really owe is to yourself to check these out.  Steve has done a better job humanizing the stories there than a lot of reporters.