There are a couple of things I have been working on for LilburnDwellings for 2009…

  • First will be to get into more listed properties to provide an unbiased look at the value of the property.

Because of MLS (Multiple Listing Service) rules and NAR (National Association of REALTORS) rules as well as GREC (Georgia Real Estate Commission) agency laws, I have to be a bit discreet when I talk about properties. Basically, I can’t identify and talk about a property I don’t have listed without the permission of the listing agent (or the seller if there isn’t a listing agent). But I can talk about properties with my clients… So:

  • I will be creating a Deal List of properties that I think are good deals at their listed prices.

I actually have done a few of these last year. Of the four that I highlighted, one is sold (waiting for the closing info… it was pending with a date of 12/23/08 but hadn’t posted yet as closed in the MLS), one is pending and the others are still available.

I see so many properties poorly marketed, and one of the best ways to make sure that MY property listings are never neglected is to keep highlighting the short-comings of the marketing on other properties.

  • Of course, I will continue to provide my Gwinnett County Market Reports… and I will be adding specialized Lilburn Market Reports.

I have been gathering data for Lilburn for almost a year. I need all of the background data in order to provide a solid analysis of the market. You can get the numbers anywhere!.. but the numbers aren’t as important as knowing WHAT the numbers MEAN. I always try to let you know what the numbers mean… instead of just telling you that there are 457 active listings…

from GwinnettGarageGuy