A few days ago I wrote about my overwhelming desire to mess with my blog.  I get this from time to time… I just can’t help it.

As a hot rodder, I like to tweak things.  When my wife sees a nice car, truck or Jeep, I see a platform to make something cooler.  When she sees a pile of junk, I still see a platform to make something cooler.  No matter what… it is a platform to make something cooler…

My blog is the same.  I like it.  It is functional.  It looks good (I think).  It does most of what I want.  And yet… I see it as a platform to make something cooler.

My website is the same, too.  I have a lot of time invested in building out the Joomla CMS to make it the way I wanted.  But I can’t help but want to fiddle with it more.

And I did…

I didn’t do anything giant.  I didn’t even change the themes.  I just tweaked what was there.  I have some more plans… I’m putting together a list for each site of things I still want to do.

For LaneBailey.com, I changed to a light version of the Ikarus theme.  I got rid of a couple of widgets, and added a couple of others.  I also rearranged a few other things.  I can put the bigger changes off for a little while…  We’ll see how I do.

On GarageHomesUSA.com the changes are more subtle.  I retained the Akiraka theme from Rockettheme.  And the list of things that still need to be done is much longer.  I worked over the color scheme, changed the header image and rearranged a few items.  I also have set up a better schedule of when content will get rotated into that site.  It has been needing that.

We’ll see how well the little changes stave off the bigger changes.

originally posted to my Active|Rain blog

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