- Image via Wikipedia
Gwinnett County Public Schools are undergoing a redistricting plan due to growth in the county. The new plan is expected to begin with the 2010 school year. It was announced on October 2nd, 2009. There are several dates to keep in mind:
- November 4, Deadline for completion of boundary input forms.
- November 13, 2009– Boundary committee completes review and submits recommendations.
- November 19, 2009– Public redistricting comments from affected schools (Location Instructional Support Center Board Room, 7-9 p.m.
- November 25-December 4– Final recommendations with revised boundary maps delivered to schools.
- December 10, 2009– Anticipated Board of Education vote on redistricting.
The redistricting that affects Duluth and Lawrenceville is as follows…
- Ferguson Elementary School (pdf)– 1755 Centerview Drive in Duluth (will affect Hopkins ES, Minor ES, Corley ES, Kanoheda ES and Benefield ES) (Radloff MS, Sweetwater MS and Berkmar MS) (Berkmar HS and Meadowcreek HS)
- Jenkins Elementary School (pdf)– 12 Village Way in Lawrenceville (will affect Simonton ES, Lawrenceville ES and Winn Holt ES)
I also expected to see Lanier High School as part of the plan, but I guess it might not be ready in time.
If you’d like to send a message to the committee, here are the forms…
- Input Form (pdf)
- Input Form (Spanish)(pdf)