Every once in a while I run across a video that is amazing… and then there are some that are hilarious. Tonight’s installment has one of each.

I’ll start with slow and amazing.

I’ve always felt that motorsports represented a kind of dance… Man, Machine and Talent… combined into an artistic expression. The footwork of the racer going through the gears while blipping the throttle on up and down shifts, feathering the brakes and strategically slipping the clutch or trailbraking while increasing throttle pressure… All of this framed by the rhythm of the steering inputs.

This video slows down the responses as viewed from outside… both in two and four wheeled sport.

The Fast and Hilarious…

This modified Cadillac launches so hard that On-Star thinks it has been in an accident. So they call to make sure everything is ok. You have to get to the 1:30 mark to hear the operator call to check up… That’s funny.

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