Mrs. GarageGuy and I had the opportunity earlier this week to visit with Brendon Barclay, Executive Director of Sustaining Urban Villages.  Along with a score of other adults and kids (mostly homeschoolers…), we had volunteered our morning to help with the construction of an outdoor classroom.

The purpose of the outdoor classroom is multi-fold.  In addition to learning about the biology of the forest, it is the perfect setting to learn about the interconnectedness of the environment… and it is even a pleasant place to study math or reading.

Previously, during a national 4-H Club event in Atlanta, 50 4-H volunteers had come out to get the project started.  It was amazing to see the difference between the areas that had been cleared of underbrush and deadfall and those that hadn’t been cleared. And it was good, hard work to clear those areas.

If you are interested in helping (and there is still a bunch of work to be done), give Brendon a call or shoot him an email.  His number is 404-510-4456 and the email is blabarclay [at] suvoac [dot] org. If you or your company would like to donate materials, I’m sure they could use those as well.

Of course, we picked one of the coldest days in Atlanta history to do our volunteer stint.. but you don’t have to do it when the temperature is below freezing.

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