Call me the King of Plan B…
As always, I try to have a plan B. This one still needs more development, but I am getting there.
I have been trying to work with Parkview High School here in Gwinnett County for the last several weeks on a $1000
Call me the King of Plan B…
As always, I try to have a plan B. This one still needs more development, but I am getting there.
I have been trying to work with Parkview High School here in Gwinnett County for the last several weeks on a $1000
This is yet another technology post… and there are so many other things I want to blog about… but I just can’t move past this until I get it out. I’ll include a bonus for those few of you that stick it our for a few minutes.
It all starts out in
(I thought about naming this Adventures in Web Management Part 715)
So, last week I found a GREAT theme for my Joomla site, It is really cool out of the box, and it has a lot of room for mods that I wanted to do anyway. So, I figure…
I think I have done around 121,894 posts about building my website… Ok, maybe not, but it seems like it.
Friday night I crashed it. Bad. Like off-line for hours bad.
But, I learned (or was reminded about) a few things.
So, it’s like this…
First, the video is only 27 seconds long, so feel free to watch.
Now, let me tackle the answer.