Another fun visit with our crazy friends in the WRC. This is from the Rally of Portugal.
And they range from vicious to downright rude… and I like every one of them. Each of these is about doing something very well… and leaving everything else aside.
Just about every magazine printed on paper, or even those that are just on the web, put up their top ten lists about this time every year. Ten best cars, trucks, tool, tech gadgets, vacation spots… you name it, and somebody out there rates it.
So, in an effort to be like everyone else, while being VERY different, I decided that I should do my top ten list of magazines… Of course, I have to be a little more different than that, so, they are not in order… It just seems like they are.
I know, I’m supposed to be writing about real estate… later, trust me. I just ran across this, and thought I would post it up for my friends that aren’t already familiar with the insane goings on over in Iceland.