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Category Archives: lilburn

The Latest on Legends at Parkview…

I stopped into Legends at Parkview recently to find out how the new project was coming.  They didn’t have a model ready to go yet, but should have one built out completely soon.  And I’ll be back to visit when it is ready to go.  But, in the mean time…

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School Spending…

I have been digging around out of curiousity, and came across the budget for Gwinnett County Public Schools.  GCPS spends $8,156/student.  Their total budget proposed for FY2010 is $1.859Billion…  That is a lot of coin.

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Home Marketing 1 2 3

While speaking with a prospective client, we touched on home marketing.  As we were discussing it, I was asked about venues and their importance…  “Should we be on Craigslist, MLS, Trulia, Zillow, etc?”

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Wayback Wednesday… Cool Design Toys

Two years ago this week I found one of the coolest tools I use to help sellers (and buyers) with homes I list.  It is an interactive floorplan.

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Looking for a Deal on a New Home around Gwinnett County, GA?

I’m here for you.  I have been getting these emails for years from builders promoting their inventory of homes.  In some cases, they are offering incentives to agents to bring buyers to their communities.  In other cases they are offing incentives to buyers.  Sometimes, there are both

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