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Category Archives: lilburn

But what if I live somewhere else?

So, you have been wandering around the blog, and you like some of the things you’ve seen.  Cool!  But, while you do have a need to buy or sell a house, it isn’t anywhere near Lilburn or Atlanta, GA…  Maybe it is the other side of town, or the other side of the country…

I have some great friends out there!

I am very active in online social networking communities like Active|Rain, FaceBook, Twitter and other venues.  Because of this I have a lot of contacts across the country.  I am thrilled to find that there are car people across the country that are also real estate agents.  Even amongst the agents that aren’t garage nuts like me, I have found some serious high performance people.

The point is…

If you like what you are reading here, and you are looking for an agent… no matter where you are… let me know.  I might be able to hook you up with a agent that fits your needs.

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How can I specialize in Lilburn with an office in Dacula?

I’m just tossing this out because I get a few questions about it on a regular basis.  When I mail out packages to people or even when they look at my business card they see that my office is in Dacula.  Granted, at least it is still Gwinnett County, but it isn’t like it is nearby.

But, here is the thing…

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Optimist or Pessimist?

I will admit I am an optimist.  Usually…  But I am also a contrarian.  So, I generally tend to run counter to most, and I look for the good.

Right now, anyone that finds anything positive in real estate is definately a contrarian.  But I am starting to be an optimist.

There are two big reasons…

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Is now the time to buy? On BlogTalkRadio

Friday on BlogTalkRadio, the question was, “Is now the time to buy?” I was on the show for the last 20 minutes or so talking about it with Ken Cook, the host. The full broadcast is about an hour long, but I can hit the high points…

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Will a 30 year fixed 4.5% mortgage do the trick?

Something leaked…  We don’t know who leaked it, but there is a plan being considered by the Treasury Department to give a boost to home sales.  Basically, the plan is for the Treasury to

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