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Category Archives: lilburn

Black Friday Shopping? Save $100,000

Ok, you’ve seen the TV commercials and scoured the Thanksgiving paper.  You know that the best deals require that you get to the store by 5:00am… or even 4:00am, right?

Sleep in, call me, and let’s go get you a new house (ok, a new to you house…) and save $100,000.  That is even better than picking up a new flat screen for $300 off!

I have found a few deals.  They range in price from around

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Gwinnett Home Values

The Case-Shiller Index of home prices came out yesterday.  It is an interesting index because it concentrates of resales and looks at the new prices of properties that have previously sold.  In theory, it is tracking the same houses over time to see what values are doing.

In looking at the methodology, I think that there are some weaknesses in the way things are looked at, but the data is still  interesting and relevant.

For the Atlanta area, C/S saw

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Looking for the hook to sell your home?

If you are a seller, of course you are looking for that hook that will pull in qualified buyers.  That is why you hire a real estate agent to market your home.  That is why you want a solid marketing program… you want to make YOUR home stand out.

I just had lunch with one of my mortgage brokers.  We have a plan.  He has

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Abandon all hope on Atlanta area roads Friday!

Garrett the Cookie MonsterFriday is halloween. And the little ghouls and goblins prnacing around with sacks and costumes won’t be the only scary thing…

Halloween is the WORST traffic day in Atlanta all year…

And this year it is a double down bonus. Fridays are usually the worst drive home traffic of the week… and Halloween is on a Friday. Expect and plan for terrible traffic.

Even getting out of work early doesn’t really help… in fact, if you aren’t going to be parading kids around for Halloween, staying at work a little late might be a good strategy. The traffic comes early on Fridays AND Halloween. Expect to see it get ugly by 4:00 Friday afternoon.

Talk to the boss. It would be a great day to telecommute… or take a personal day.

Don’t say you haven’t been warned…


Is your Lilburn listing getting ready to expire?

If your home has been listed, and it is getting ready to expire, I would like to make a few suggestions…

  • Get a new agent… like me…
  • Set up the new listing to begin the day after the current listing expires…
  • Go on a nice vacation for a few days…
  • Don’t forward your home phone to your cell phone… and you might consider NOT sending it to voice mail…

Why you ask?

Because it is

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