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Category Archives: news

Wayback Wednesday… FHA 203k

Looking back two years, I had a post inspired by Ken Cook regarding FHA 203k mortgages.  If you aren’t familiar with the FHA 203k, it is a loan product that allows the borrower to make improvements or renovations on the property as part of the original mortgage.

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One step closer to the Jetsons…


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Sustaining Urban Villages – Brockett Elementary Outdoor Classroom

Mrs. GarageGuy and I had the opportunity earlier this week to visit with Brendon Barclay, Executive Director of Sustaining Urban Villages.  Along with a score of other adults and kids (mostly homeschoolers…), we had volunteered our morning to help with the construction of an outdoor classroom.

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Interested in New Home promotions in and around Gwinnett County, GA?

I have just rolled out a system to update YOU when there are promotions in new home communities in and around Gwinnett County, GA.  There are days I get 6 or 7 notices from builders and developers, and there are weeks when there aren’t any…  But, as soon as I get them, I will forward them to my new toy platform.

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146.8%… Show them the DOOR…

The NAR Magazine (called REALTOR) recently published a story about what improvements enhanced a home’s value the most.  It was also broken down regionally…

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