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Category Archives: news

Atlanta Social Media Breakfast, July 23rd

An example of a social network diagram.
Image via Wikipedia

That is right.  We have finally worked out some of the details and nailed down some of our specifics.  Time and location!

We will be hosting the very first Atlanta Social Media Breakfast at the Duluth Diner on Thursday, July 23rd from 7:00 to 9:00am.  We will have the WHOLE place to ourselves as their normal opening time isn’t until 9:00 during the week.

We will have a little socializing from 7:00 until 7:30 and then run a program from 7:30 until 8:30.  The program will be a round table discussion of social media tactics and technologies.  And then from 8:30 until 9:00, we will do a little more networking… and then we can all head out to work.

Ken Cook and I will release a little more information on the program as we get closer to the event.  Because this is the first event, it won’t be a total GeekFest, but rather a more general discussion about the basics of Social Network Marketing.

Ken is the co-host of the Social Media Edge radio show on Blog Talk Radio.  His show is live on Tuesdays from Noon to 1:00pm.

Stay tuned for  updates.

Also, if you are interested in attending, please be sure to let one of us know.  Email, phone, Twitter, chat… whatever works best for you.  You can find Ken on Twitter, too.

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Interested in WordPress? Social Networking?

Image representing WordPress as depicted in Cr...
Image via CrunchBase

Whether you are a regular user or you are just interested in having your own blog, we have a bit of news…

For those with a little WP experience…

Let me introduce you to  On that site we are writing about Social Networking and WordPress.  In addition to talking about theming and how to get the most from your WordPress blog, we talk about Flickr, FaceBook, LinkedIn and other emerging networks.

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Mobile & Listed

A rural stretch of Interstate 5 in California,...
Image via Wikipedia

I just made two updates on the blog that I think are worth noting.


The first is that I was able to re-deploy the Lane’s Listings section.  Now you will see the page tab near the top of the site.  Hovering over it will show you my current personal listings as well as a link to enter the Send Me FREE Custom Listings page.

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Sign, sign, everywhere’s a sign…

Real estate listings need a sign.  They all have one, right… or at least most…  But there is one problem with the ubiquitous real estate sign… it is boring!

I don’t like “normal”


Real estate signs aren’t an exception.  I have long been tired of the same ol’ signs…  so I decided to do something about it.

I needed an EXCEPTIONAL sign.

So… I looked for a solution.  A sign that would stand out.  I wanted something that would give an interested buyer a reason to stop and actually take a look.

1033 Constitution Way Sign
1033 Constitution Way Sign
590 Baltimore Ave Sign
590 Baltimore Ave Sign

I think this is a pretty good solution.  The idea is to get a buyer out of the car… maybe even to take a picture of the sign. 

Of course, as with all marketing, it will be tweaked as time goes by to be even more effective. 

And as always, I’d love your feedback!

SRBC Car Show, May 16th…

Best in Show

Best in Show

Showers flirted with the event, with a few passing through, but there were some pretty cool rides that dodged the drops to make the event.

Smoke Rise Baptist Church holds this event on the first Saturday in May each year.  Here is the event website.

Below is a slide show with all of the cars that showed up for the event.  The Pastor’s Choice went to the ’65 Mustang Convertible, while the Best In Show went to the Red Alfa Romeo Convertible.

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