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Category Archives: news


Charlotte Skyline
Image by James Willamor via Flickr

Ok, it really doesn’t have anything to do with concrete (rebar).  It actually doesn’t have anything to do with drinking, either (bar camp).  Instead, it is about peer-to-peer technology education.  Blogging, social networking, video, listing search technologies and better utilization of market data were some of the covered subjects.

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What the FHA hath given, the FHA hath taken away…

NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 15:  A child holds new $1 ...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

The deal was struck, and it was all for the good.  As reported here, buyers were going to be able to get a loan to cover the $8,000 tax credit.  In effect, the loan would be a low cost way to use the tax credit for their down payment.

But… two days later and it is not as true as it seemed.  Jeff Belonger has uncovered the weak link and found that the rule change has been ruled out of validity…

There might be ways to utilize this for other loan programs, but for FHA it doesn’t look like a go… today.

Obviously we are seeing things change on a day to day basis.

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New Property Videos!

Here are the newest property videos.

590 Baltimore Ave, Lilburn, GA 30047

1033 Constitution Way, Cumming, GA 30040

9010 Brixham Court, Suwanee, GA 30024

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Get $8000 from your Uncle for a Down Payment?

You can now…

Previously, the $8,000 First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit was a bonus refund.  Now it might be able to help you buy the house…

It looks like there are changes being made to allow First Time Buyers to apply for a loan to be repaid by the FTHBTC. I’m looking for some more info on this, but here is a start.

There are still some other cool programs, too.

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Social Networking and Breakfast!

We have a little bit of time, but we all know how time sneaks up on us…

Thursday, July 23rd 7-9am

I am teaming up with Ken Cook to facilitate the Social Media Breakfast series in Atlanta.  In a nutshell, we would hold regular breakfast meetings to discuss how to better implement social media and social networking for business.  There would be both expert presentation and round table discussion.

Of course, there would also be time set aside for some actual face to face networking and eating…

The first event will likely be in Gwinnett, with future events moving back and forth between Gwinnett and Cobb.  The idea is to hold meetings in different parts of the Atlanta Metro in order to allow perticipants to be able to meet up with people that are in their area.

I will be updating this blog as well as my other blogs with new information as it becomes available.

You can find me on FaceBook, Twitter and Flickr… as well as a bunch of other places.

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