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Category Archives: news

Free promotion of homes with cool garages…

Over at, we are doing something new… in an ever expanding effort to be THE source for homes with cool garages in and around Gwinnett County, we are ready to offer FREE

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House with a Safety Net?

I just got an email from a home builder outlining a plan that they are currently offering new buyers.

If you involuntarily lose your job, they will cover your mortgage for up to 8 months, up to $2000/mo.

There isn’t an additional charge for this program, and it might be a good push for buyers thinking about hitting the market.  There are a few reasons that this might be

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The Brawl is ON!

I would first like to thank all of my friends and readers that nominated for the VAR National Blog Brawl.  We made it to the first round.  Now we need your support for the next few weeks to fight our way to the top. is the 3rd seed in Zone 4 and we need your vote.  Go to VARbuzz and vote.  There are some great people and some great blogs that made the field.  I’m proud to be a part of it.

Remember, you can only vote once from an IP address.  But, we’ll need every vote we can get.  So, tell your friends.  Get them to vote, too.  If we make it past round one, there are some tough battles ahead.

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We need Fuel. We need Fire.

I need to do some chainsawing in the yard. There is brush to be cleared and trees to trim. Unfortunately, my chainsaw doesn’t really want to do any work right now. It needs two basic ingredients… fuel and fire.

The real estate market is similar. There are two ingredients,

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I’m ready to brawl…

Last year, the Virginia Association of Realtors® hosted an event they called the Blog Brawl.  The winner was the lovely and talented Heater Elias.  She has a great blog called LoCoMusings (Loudon County, VA).  I voted for her is several rounds…  And now

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