Once again, I have a little discrepancy in the numbers. This time, it’s because of the platform change and now there are actually numbers next to the list on the back end… I must have mis-counted previously. Hopefully that jazz is behind me.
Once again, I have a little discrepancy in the numbers. This time, it’s because of the platform change and now there are actually numbers next to the list on the back end… I must have mis-counted previously. Hopefully that jazz is behind me.
I started seriously blogging back in June on Active Rain. In July I picked up Blogger (Blogspot). I wanted an outside platform that would be more configurable. But, everything was fine with Blogger. I changed the theme a bit to better fit with my personality and subject. All was ok.
However, as I delved
It is time once again for more updating of my historical posts. I said I would try to get in here every couple of weeks… and it has been a couple of weeks. So, off we go. If you noticed the skip on 116-123, those are the previous anthologies.
For Halloween, I mentioned that the roads in Atlanta go NUTS every year. The traffic is truly scary on Halloween. So, Abandon all hope, Ye who enter Atlanta’s roads on Halloween…
Dump Spam. I don’t know about you, but I get too much. I have adopted a lot of measures to limit the spam that comes my way, but because I NEED to keep my identity out there in front of people, I will alwaya have some to deal with. This post was about how I deal with it.
Just a little insight into the real estate business and the internet. Web Progressions.
Market Update for Gwinnett County, September 2007 was the next post. I try to jazz them up… but a lot of it is still pretty dry. The predictions are fun, though. I will be revamping the way I present these in the next few weeks.
I managed to get 5 other real estate agents to agree on a time for a community open house for one of my listings. We also did a one day sale. While the property didn’t get an offer that day, we did have a LOT more traffic than normal open houses bring. One Day Sale!!! For a condo… and an Uber Open House!
Just a quick question, What do you want?
I think that the Client Gateway for Buyers… a cool bonus, is a great tool for buyers in any market, but especially in a market where there are lots of houses for sale. It helps buyers sort through the chaff to find the jewels they really need to see.
The appointment was canceled, but I am going to try to get it rescheduled for this coming week. I really want to do this. I’m giving away $1000… Read for details.
With the costs for energy climbing, and more people staying put in their homes for a little while longer, I thought I would mention a way to save money and improve air quality. Crawlspaces? Same money…
Since mine looks terrible (you’ll have to follow the links to see how terrible), Loan me your “too cool” garage… ok, just tell me about it. I’d love to have some great garages profiled on my site.
That catches me up to 11/9/07. That is a week ago. Look for another anthology in a couple of weeks.
What? Only 10 posts this time? What’s up, Lane?
Well, I have just about caught up. After the ten I present today, the posts are from the Blog Anthology. Going forward, I will try to summarize every two weeks or so. I was just a slacker for the last few months.
As we left off in the last blog anthology post, I had mentioned building a car-hobby centric subdivision around road racing, rock crawling or drag racing. Well… Are there any developers out there that want to go after an untapped market and build a community that offers something different? We already know that a Unique Selling Proposition can overcome broader market trends. Calling one developer.. you don’t know who you are yet.
Everyone is talking about coaching… so I will too. Brittany, Owen, Kiefer and Paris… give me a call. Not only will I give you some good coaching, but I can sell you a house. And I obviously can’t screw you up much more…
Countrywide Mortgage is up to its armpits in the sub-prime mortgage junk. So, the CEO tried to lay out a case as to why the government should bail them out. I’m not a fan. Where does this guy get his data?
There is a saying that is too prevalent in this industry. And I don’t like it. So, what happens when I disagree with something? (everyone together) I write a post laying out a case against it… Buyer are liars… or not so much.
Three of my favorite words… and it isn’t location, location, location… along with my former profession. Free, Free, FREE… Nifty open source photo editor.
Market Update for Gwinnett County, August 2007. I also announced a change in the timing because of the data not being released fast enough for me.
The Army Corps of Engineers is really getting under my skin. I haven’t washed my truck in months. I don’t water my yard. So, I wrote about the effects of Lake Lanier On droughts and mussels.
Back to the California “Bubble blog” guy, and his claim that housing is not as good of an investment as stocks… Off to the spreadsheet. I was truly SHOCKED by the data. What is a better investment?
I am going to be doing advertising for this site and my “new site” pretty soon, so I wanted to know, Does advertising need to be “good” to be effective?
Finally for this installment… I went Wandering through the DoJ website. For all of the complaining that they do about the NAR and disclosure in the real estate injury, they don’t disclose some very important facts themselves. I think someone there got a crappy agent and now has a bit of a bent to beat up on the rest of us.
I can’t believe that I have had to write 7 of these. Ok, I knew how many posts I had, but until I started reading through everything to get this anthology done, it really didn’t hit me how much material there was here.
There is no doubt that the majority of the country is in a buyer’s market. We certainly are here in most of the sub-markets and micro-markets here around Atlanta. But, What is a Buyer’s Market?
So, since we talked about buyer’s markets, it’s only fair to cover a seller’s market. What is a Seller’s Market?
I get a couple of different updates from the NAR. Sometimes these lead to blog posts as I wonder what they are talking about, break news, or just try to explain what one might hear about on the news later. What are we doing here? Looking at the housing landscape… talks a bit about what the fallout should and shouldn’t be over the sub-prime mortgage meltdown.
Here is one of the worst kept secrets around. I’m building a new website. In Shhh… Can you keep a secret? I kind of break the news… even though I had mentioned it previously in a more limited way. I’d still love your comments and feedback about the new site.
I’m up around 100 blog posts on this site. I have copied ALL of these over to the new website. I have also put other content I have produced onto the new site. Can I call a moving company for content? is just a little blurb about the site, Joomla (the Content Management System) and building a site.
Bubble bloggers are having a great popularity these days. So, I wrote The sky is falling… and the bubble is coming. I just wanted to put a little different spin on the Nightline story about one of the most widely read bubble bloggers.
Another bonus for having a blog is that I get to talk about properties. My first property blog is about a Tuscany condo in Midtown Atlanta. BTW, I think we are going to have a multi-unit open house on Nov. 11th. Stay tuned, I’m working on something else to do in conjunction with that open house that is unheard of here in Atlanta.
It can be odd where one finds inspiration. For this post, an old pick-up truck heater and an Alaskan writer named Satch Carlson got me writing. Nothing, nothing, nothing… Jet blast!
I like to get out a camp a little. So, I was Looking forward to a little camping! and SFWDA Dixie Run. I was also trying to see if anyone would offer up a camper… nobody did.
I’m a Libertarian, and so when I read about things like Imputed income, I get a little antsy, and a bit miffed. If you don’t know what that is, you need to read the post. If you have an idea, but don’t know why I would be miffed… read… and if you still don’t know, please make a comment.
I enjoy NASCAR racing. And it served as Lane’s “Crazy Idea of the Day” on Oct. 8th.
The NAR is catching on to the fact that buyers want big garages. How soon before everyone else figures out It’s about the garage!?
I think that one of the coolest things in private sector research is the X Prize. Read to find out what it is and why it is so cool.
Since I went camping, I had to report on the trip. Ahh, relaxed… ok, sorta relaxed gives a little rundown on the trip… with no camper.
There are golf communities, equestrian communities and even tennis communities. Why not a racing or rock crawling community? Actually, there are a couple of racing communities as well as racing “country clubs” spread around the country. I tossed out some opinions in If you lived here, you’d be rock crawling/drag racing/road racing now…