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Tag Archives: buyers

Free promotion of homes with cool garages…

Over at, we are doing something new… in an ever expanding effort to be THE source for homes with cool garages in and around Gwinnett County, we are ready to offer FREE

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House with a Safety Net?

I just got an email from a home builder outlining a plan that they are currently offering new buyers.

If you involuntarily lose your job, they will cover your mortgage for up to 8 months, up to $2000/mo.

There isn’t an additional charge for this program, and it might be a good push for buyers thinking about hitting the market.  There are a few reasons that this might be

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Gwinnett Market Report is out

And it is over on Lilburn Dwellings.  Go over, take a look.  Hopefully March will see the market picking up.

Sometimes I am just wrong…

Fast forward to the last line of this post and you will see me swallow my foot…

Leading indicators v. Trailing indicators

I didn’t think Atlanta values would drop more than a couple of points… if that.  Well… 20% later, and there is no way for me to spin it otherwise… I was wrong.  I really thought that we wouldn’t see more than

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Still think Cram-Downs are a good idea?

Ken Cook posted something today that was specifically about investor properties.  Here is a link.  Go read it… you should read his blog anyway.

What does it have to do with Cram-Downs?

Let me touch a couple of high points of Ken’s post.  These are the requirements to get ten Fannie Mae investment properties

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