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Tag Archives: buyers

Gwinnett Investment Properties? You bet!

Ok, I am a tease…  I’m not going to identify them here.  But I will be posting some property information about some properties that I have run across here in Gwinnett County on my other blog,

In each case, these are properties that even in the current down market have at least 10% equity built in, and up to as much as 20% equity.  These are NOT my listings, but rather properties that I have run across that appear to be good deals.  They range in price from under $100k to just over $300k.

So, look for them beginning Tuesday, November 18th, 2008.  It looks like some banks and REO holders are getting realistic about selling their holdings.  And as soon as people start to figure out that there are deals to be had, there won’t be deals to be had…

Looking for the hook to sell your home?

If you are a seller, of course you are looking for that hook that will pull in qualified buyers.  That is why you hire a real estate agent to market your home.  That is why you want a solid marketing program… you want to make YOUR home stand out.

I just had lunch with one of my mortgage brokers.  We have a plan.  He has

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Curious about Median Home Prices?

The National Association of REALTORS® posted up something kind of cool… and kept it a secret… but it got leaked.  My friend Jay Thompson in Phoenix found it and posted it on his blog and I came across it there.

The NAR created a map that links to the median home price data in a bunch of metro areas across the country.

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Gwinnett County Market Report, November 2008

I just put the finishing touches on the November, 2008, Gwinnett County Georgia Market Report.  It is pretty interesting.  For the first time in a while there is something that was unexpected that snuck in on me..

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Market Report Preview

I am prepping for my monthly Market report with the October preliminary data and the September final data… and something is definitely wrong.

Look for a full report Monday evening, but I wanted to toss something out there before the report is complete.

The final numbers for September came in pretty good…  Sales were actually

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