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Tag Archives: buyers

U is for Ultimate

Walker DriveUltimate. There is a loaded word. For me, it brings to mind a 3,000 square foot garage with high performance floor coatings, a pair of lifts, a dedicated welding bay, loads of tool storage, a kicking HVAC system, and compressed air available in each work space. Of course, there would be a trolley system to move heavy junk (I like heavy junk), and workbenches that could handle the weight of Dana 60 axles and engines.

For someone else, ultimate might mean a darkroom in the basement with a 12 foot sink, and the capability of printing 4×5 negatives to 20×24 prints. Of course there would also be great ventilation and a sound system to let the user jam out while printing.

For our third person,

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R is for REALTOR(R)

I know I’m being picky, but this needs to be said.

All REALTORSĀ® are real estate agents, but all real estate agents aren’t REALTORS(R).

One becomes a real estate agent by passing a test. One becomes a REALTORĀ® by

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Q is for Quit Claim

Let me preface this by stating I am NOT a lawyer, I don’t play one on TV, and I don’t dispense legal advice. If you need specific legal advice, you need to talk to a lawyer, not a real estate agent.

A Quit Claim Deed is kind of an anomaly in the world of deeds.

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M is for Maintenance

Here is a loaded term for a car guy. Maintenance. We do it for our rides, and just about nothing can stand in the way. I’ve known guys that bordered on religious about changing their own oil. I’ve seen them pull into a rest area along the interstate, slide under the car and change their oil. A quick refill and clean-up, and they were on their way again. We would never think of leaving something undone.

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J is for Jelly Beans and Jeanette

Bear with me. This will be a little different than the other A-Z posts, but if you follow along, I promise to tie it up nicely.

Twenty years ago (oh my God, it really was 20 years ago!) I worked at a restaurant called the HeartThrob Cafe & Philadelphia Bandstand. I was a Soda Jerk, and it was a great time. I always joked that I was a bartender with ice cream. One of the waitresses was named Jeanette. She was a great person, and we became friends. Actually, her best friend was

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