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Tag Archives: client protection

Wayback Wednesday… Buyers and Sellers, Same Advice…

Deal Castle

Image via Wikipedia

I’m going WAY back this week.  I’m going back 3 years.  There are a LOT of real estate bloggers that can’t go back close to three years because their blogs didn’t exist that long ago.  I actually had been blogging a year by then.  [Horn-tooting over]

I had a series of posts earlier that year called “Into The Mailbag” where I answered on the blog, questions I got from my email.  It was fun, and still one of my favorite things to do… help consumers have a better experience while buying or selling property.  [As a side-note, feel free to shoot me questions for my blog… they are great post ideas]

These two posts were actually inspired by the Into The Mailbag series, but they were not actually asked by my readers or clients.  They were subjects that I always seemed to end up addressing with clients.  I called them “Not into the Mailbag“.

In Not into the Mailbag… Buyers… I posted about offering strategies for buyers.  Many seem to think (still) that offering some percentage of the listing price is the magical solution to getting a good deal and making sure to actually be able to get the property.  It isn’t so…

In Not into the Mailbag… Sellers… I posted about listing price strategies for sellers.  Some sellers try to game buyers by thinking that the listing price should be some magical percentage higher than they actually expect the home to bring.  That isn’t so, either…

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A Seat at the Table…

Freddie Mac

Image via Wikipedia

Millions of American families are facing foreclosure.  Millions more have already been through the process… and there are millions that don’t know it yet, but they will be staring at foreclosure proceedings in the future.  It is an epidemic, one that is difficult to escape.  Not impossible… but difficult.

Foreclosures are accelerating for a couple of reasons… but one of them is momentum.  As a neighborhood faces foreclosures, the values of the non-foreclosed homes dwindles.  Foreclosures generally bring lower prices, which pushes down the prices of non-foreclosed homes… which pushes down the prices of the foreclosures.  It is a self-perpetuating cycle.  Buyers are afraid to jump in because they see prices still moving down.  Sellers get desperate to get out because they see their equity (if they have any) drying up.  The cycle continues.  Some of the people that needed to move couldn’t hack the values anymore, and they let their home slide into foreclosure.

Those that are marginal or that trying to be proactive call their banks.  They talk with them about short sales or loan modification.  For the vast majority seeking a loan modification (we are talking 98%+ here), they might as well talk to a brick wall.  Short sales are slightly more common, assuming the seller only has one mortgage.

Banks simply aren’t really open to talking with the homeowners about their situation.  And there are a variety of reasons.  Some of them they are willing to say (in an unguarded moment, perhaps).  Other reasons the people in the Loss Mitigation department might not even realize… if they do, they aren’t talking.

  • The sign in the lobby of AIG's headquarters at...

    Image via Wikipedia

    The borrower doesn’t have enough income anymore to support the modified loan (in their opinion…)

  • If they grant a principal reduction to one borrower, they will be flooded with others expecting the same thing.
  • The “other bank” won’t accept an amount that is inside of their guidelines.
  • There just isn’t enough staff/resources to handle the load.

And the big one that nobody seems to talk about…

  • The banks insurance on the loan will cover them in a default, limiting the amount of loss they will suffer.  However, if they modify or allow a short sale, their insurance won’t kick in.  That increases their loss.

This is the one that really needs to be worked on.  The insurance company… the people that REALLY need to be involved in loss mitigation, don’t have a seat at the table.  And the big losses are at the loan insurance level.  Whether it is a private insurer like AIG (remember their bailout?), a government sponsored entity  like Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae or a public loan guarantor HUD, they don’t have the chance to be actively involved in the process until it is too late.

To Fix it…

The first thing that would need to happen is for the entity that insures of guarantees the loan to have an active role in the decision about modification or foreclosure.  Right now, in the case of a short sale, it is up to the “investors”, those that actually own the loan (often that is NOT the bank).

When a homeowner inquires about a loan modification, the bank should do their best to determine two things… they should look at the value of the property and the homeowner’s ability to pay.  What they should be looking for is to find at what level the homeowner would likely be able to pay.  At that point, the insurance company (or loan guarantor) should take over if the numbers look like they would be bearing the loss.


graph shows U.S. foreclosure trends (quantity ...

Image via Wikipedia



  1. Bob the homeowner loses his job and ends up working for less money.  He can no longer really afford his home, but doesn’t want to walk away.  He paid $300,000 for the house and owes $285,000.
  2. Bob contacts his bank.  The bank determines that the house would likely sell in a foreclosure sale for $210,000.  Bob would be able to qualify for a loan of $220,000.  The banks insurance kicks in at $240,000.
  3. At this point, the insurer would review the file.  If the bank takes the house, they would have to pay the bank whatever loss they suffered under $240,000.
  4. Rather than the bank going through with foreclosure, the insurance company agrees to pay $30,000 if they re-write Bob’s loan to $215,000.

Bob ends up owing a little more than the house might fetch in a foreclosure sale.  The bank doesn’t incur the costs of foreclosing and having to get the property ready for sale.  The insurance company takes a hit, but it might be a smaller hit than they would have taken had the house been foreclosed.  And there is less risk for everyone involved.



Free Money Collection in Cash

Image by via Flickr

Of course, the example above is completely fictitious.  The numbers are pulled out of thin air…  And honestly, there are a LOT of people that would not be helped in such a situation.  The goal, however, isn’t to save every homeowner in the country that is upside-down.  The goal is to minimize losses to consumers, the banks, insurance companies, GSEs and the government, while helping people that still have some capacity to participate.



People without income or expenses too high to make a reasonable payment are not going to be helped.  People that take advantage of the system once and are trying to get a third chance would likely not be helped (I would call a program like this a good second chance).

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Unintended Landlords… A Little Help Here…

Monument to David Berry, a good landlord of wh...

Image via Wikipedia

One of the things that I see a lot of, especially with “unintended landlords” is a failure to look at the big picture.

And Unintended Landlord is a seller that is unable to sell their home and turns to renting it out in order to stem the cash flow blood-letting

I often see properties where the listed rental rate is too high.  Often, the rental rate sellers (landlords) are asking is based on their own financial needs… like the mortgage.  The bottom line is that the market and the mortgage might not be lined up.

And then a prospective renter comes along and offers a rate that is a little below their liking… maybe even a lot below their liking.  And it is rejected.  But let’s look at the bigger picture here.

Let’s say that the house payment is $1500/mo. and so the landlord is trying to cover it… and asking for $ for rent.  Along comes a possible renter offering $1250/mo for rent.  The landlord looks at the offer and rejects it… he doesn’t want to lose $250/mo.  But instead, he is losing $1500/mo. Maybe he can get it rented for more soon… but what if he can’t?  If the house sits vacant for 2 months, the landlord has lost the same amount of money as they would have in a year if they rented the house at $1250/mo.

This advice is ONLY for unintended landlords.  For those that are buying properties for the purpose of holding them as part of a rental portfolio… you should NOT have this problem.  If you do, you paid too much or you didn’t put enough down… or you need to renovate your property to increase its value on the rental market.  “Professional” landlords NEED to have properties that are cash-flow positive.

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No Subdivisions! Ok, Maybe…


Image by lane.bailey via Flickr

Because I work with a lot of folks that have need for a large garage… and an accompanying car collecting habit… I am often asked to find homes that are “not in a subdivision”.  But there is a huge issue here in the Atlanta area…  There aren’t very many homes that are not in a subdivision.

In fact, there are a lot of folks that don’t even know that THEY live in a subdivision, but right there on the deed (and the tax record) is the name of a subdivision.  And when real estate agents list the property, they generally review at least one of those documents… and they list the name of the subdivision.

The result is that fewer than 10% of homes for sale here in Gwinnett County, GA, are really not in ANY subdivision. But that isn’t that big of a problem for my buyers needing a little more freedom than many subdivisions offer.  Because what they REALLY want is…

A house in a neighborhood with an inactive or loose HOA (Home Owners Association).

The problem that almost always is described to me is that they don’t want to have to deal with HOA rules regarding extra outbuildings (like a second garage and/or shed in the yard).  They might want to be able to park a race trailer at the house.  Or a boat, camper or even a work vehicle.

Some of the local HOA rules I have seen even disallow a home owner from parking a 1 ton truck (like my F-350) in the neighborhood overnight.  I have seen requirements for building a shed (a garage would be a daunting project in these neighborhoods because of the paperwork requirements), fence or even painting the house.

The point is that there are a LOT of homes in subdivisions that are just fine for enthusiasts.  Often, these are older neighborhoods, but not always.  The best path is to find a house you like and then investigate the HOA to see what rules they might have.  I see a LOT of neighborhoods that have homes with second garages, campers, boats and even F-350s.

There is a hope…

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Wayback Wednesday… Brand New and Foreclosed…

A couple of years ago, I wrote about a development that was selling brand new bank owned homes.  There seems to be a bit more of that going on now.  I have run across a couple of subdivisions with brand new homes that are being sold by the bank.

One nice thing about a brand new home that is foreclosed is that it shouldn’t have many of the “deferred maintenance” issues that many foreclosed resale homes may have.  On the flip side, many of them will NOT have a builder’s warranty, although some might.  It would depend on if the bank is springing for a good warranty and whether the builder has gone completely out of business (sometimes the foreclose isn’t the result of the builder ceasing operations, but rather a restructuring of debt).  Careful though, some warranties aren’t that great… they might not cover much of the structure (which is why you want a builder’s warranty) for more than a year or two.

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