I did a series of posts on questions that I get on a regular basis (or interesting enough that they make an impression by getting asked just once).  This isn’t one of those.  This is the question that most consumers don’t know to ask… and it comes in two parts.

Can’t we push the price up some for a little negotiating room?

You can try.  But that doesn’t mean it is going to work.  So far this year there have been about 4 homes come on the market for each home that has sold.  That means that the competition for the sale is fierce.  To boil it down to the base, homes that have “a little negotiating room” aren’t getting shown… and so they don’t get offers to negotiate.  There are more than 10,000 Single Family Residences on the market right now.  In almost every price range, location and criteria set, there are a pile of homes for buyers to choose from.  When they are parring the list, the over-priced homes get cut.

That doesn’t mean it is hunky-dory…

And I will be hitting that tomorrow.  Buyers also need to be realistic when it comes to offer time.