My “real” website has been sitting over in a corner all by itself… bored and lonely while I have been working over this blog, LilburnDwellings, GwinnettGarageGuy and a couple of websites for my 4 wheel drive club.
The article in the AJC Sunday has really forced
me to bring that back to the front burner. I still really enjoy helping people buy homes with really cool garages, as well as helping sellers market those types of homes across Gwinnett and much of the Atlanta metro area.
But, working on building the readership and content for the Lilburn area has dominated my “free time”.
Lilburn will still be getting great content, but I have a lot of excellent garage related content for GarageHomesUSA… so I am doing the full redesign, and tweaking it in major ways. I’m also going to be making less Lilburn focused… splitting content between cars and local information.
Stop into my other sites and see what fits. I should be flipping the switch Wednesday, moving Garage Homes to the new host and showing off its new look.