It has been pretty busy here the last couple of days.

The AJC (Atlanta Journal – Constitution) did a feature on me in the business section Sunday.  The online version actually was visible on Friday, and I started getting emails and tweets and messages on FaceBook from folks around the country that know me through social networking.

On Saturday, word had gotten out, though FaceBook especially (I posted a link… after I got it from a vendor in Seattle) and my local friends started responding.

Sunday morning I woke up to several emails, some phone calls and more social network messages.  And it has continued today.

I would like to thank everyone.

I have spent a good portion of the day looking at listings that sellers (and a few agents) have sent me from around Atlanta of their multi-car garage homes.  I have kept a pretty close eye on Gwinnett County for a few years, but many of these were outside of my normal search parameters.  And it is always fun to look…

If you missed it, here is a link to the article.

I guess I do need to toot my horn… I can’t expect everyone to have seen it already.  And I AM very pleased and flattered that Michael Pearson decided I would be a good subject.

More importantly, the reaction to the article has shown me the power of social networking and internet marketing and reputation management.  My name travelled far and fast.  As did the names of companies/networks I mentioned.

It is important to know that is being said in order to apologize, thank or correct the person saying it.

Thanks again, and feel free to give me a shout if you have questions or comments… or if you are looking for a “garage home”.  And the home in the picture IS available.