- Image by lane.bailey via Flickr
We don’t have a million readers (yet), but would love to be able to open up my blogs to local (or in some cases, not-so-local) businesses to “Guest Post” on LaneBailey.com, LilburnDwellings.com or GarageHomesUSA.com.
We don’t have a million readers (yet), but would love to be able to open up my blogs to local (or in some cases, not-so-local) businesses to “Guest Post” on LaneBailey.com, LilburnDwellings.com or GarageHomesUSA.com.
A few days ago I wrote about my overwhelming desire to mess with my blog. I get this from time to time… I just can’t help it.
As a hot rodder, I like to tweak things. When my wife sees a nice car, truck or Jeep, I see a platform to make something cooler. When she sees a pile of junk, I still see a platform to make something cooler. No matter what… it is a platform to make something cooler…
I’m getting the itch to change the website up again. It happens about once a year, and it is tough to shake… unless I change the design of the website. Any thoughts?
I have a challenge… I am running into a slow admin panel. I’ll get it beat, but in the mean time it takes a terrible amount of time to get a post up…
Please bear with me.
There shouldn’t be anything noticeable on the front side.
I took a break… My older son was in Hockey Camp Last week with Dan Sullivan of the Come And Get It Hockey Camp. I really enjoy sharing time with my kids, and chose to spend as much time as I could with him while he was in camp. He likes having an audience…
I’ll be back up to speed this week.
Thank you for your patience…