Steven “Obeoman” Stearns called me yesterday while I was talking with the reporter from the AJC (actually, he IM’d me… and then called after I was off the phone).  He is the Social Media Marketing guru for Obeo, the provider of some of the cool toys with which I outfit listings.  He wanted an interview also… not about the Gwinnett County real estate market, but about the newest listing website I built for a client.

We have been communicating via Twitter and Active|Rain and IM for quite a while while I was researching how I wanted to present 9010 Brixham Court in Suwanee, GA.  He was pretty excited about the site and some of the ideas that I had to better integrate Obeo’s offerings into my marketing.  He actually is one of the folks that was watching the site as I built it out, offering opinions and ideas along the way.

This “Web 2.0” revolution is changing the way that we real estate agents can market properties.  He wanted to explore that a little more, and also talk a little bit about other venues I’m using.  I saw it as a great opportunity to share what I am trying to accomplish, as well as promote the property.  And, since Obeo has a good bit of juice, and Steve’s blog has a good bit of juice, it is a great venue to promote the property.

I like good noise.  Good noise is good for my clients.