For a little over a year I have been a member of a real estate social networking site called Active|Rain.  For the whole time there has been a sister platform called Localism.  And also for that whole period of time, Localism has been in a beta stage.

**Side note.  Beta stage means that it wasn’t really done, but was running full speed.**

The beta Localism platform was nice, but wasn’t great.  It pulled a fair amount of search traffic from Google, and that was always great… but it wasn’t sticky.  That means that people would do a search, go to the result, read it and then leave.

The new site isn’t that way.  And it isn’t all about real estate.  Make no doubt, real estate is front and center right now, but as the the site matures, real estate won’t be the center.

So, Localism has been completely redesigned, and it isn’t in beta any more.  And it is pretty cool.

Anyway, on to the point…

Come on in and take a look at Lilburn.  Look around.  Let me know what you think.  I’ll be adding more content, as will all of the other participants.  In fact, ANYONE can join and contribute content for Localism.  Come on in, the water is fine.