If you didn’t immediately know what I was talking about from the title, you need to spend a little time here, and then a lot of time here. Keep in mind that this is a LONG book… 1200 pages. I’ve read my copy three times. It is an incredible book.

But, this isn’t all about the book (or the rumored movie with Angelina Jolie in the role of Dagny Taggart). This is just to say that since I was 17 years old I have been in love with the character of Dagny Taggart…

ok, not really… I mean I have, but that is neither here nor there. ;^ )

In the world of Atlas Shrugged, society stagnates when independent productive achievers began to be socially demonized and even punished for their accomplishments, even though society had been far more healthy and prosperous by allowing, encouraging and rewarding self-reliance and individual achievement. Independence and personal happiness flourished to the extent that people were free, and achievement was rewarded to the extent that individual ownership of private property was strictly respected. The hero, John Galt, lives a life of laissez-faire capitalism as the only way to live consistent with his beliefs.

Without doubt, this is a book that polarizes people. There are liberals AND conservative that hate this book. There are liberals and conservatives that love this book.

But nobody says, “it was ok… not great, not bad.”

And everyone should read it. It is a WHOLE lot more important than Us Magazine.

From Lane’s Blog on Active Rain

I just thought I would mention it…