If your home has been listed, and it is getting ready to expire, I would like to make a few suggestions…

  • Get a new agent… like me…
  • Set up the new listing to begin the day after the current listing expires…
  • Go on a nice vacation for a few days…
  • Don’t forward your home phone to your cell phone… and you might consider NOT sending it to voice mail…

Why you ask?

Because it is going to get ugly.  Seriously.  It is kind of funny, I talk with agents all over… not just Atlanta, but all over the US… and they often say the same thing.  “I’m not really looking for sellers, I am looking for buyers.”  And it is an odd thing to hear since as a newly expired listing you will recieve…

  • 93 phone calls… these will start at about 6:00am the day your house expires…
  • 165 letters… ok, some will be postcards, others will be letters… and then…
  • 3 packages… like FedEx, DHL or Courier.  These will be touting the senders super groovy abilities…
  • 8 door knocks from agents… these may also start pretty early on the day of expiration…

There is a madness to the method…

The reason that you will be inundated is that it works.  It doesn’t work a lot, but if they contact a couple hundred people, there will be a couple that might fly.  For these agents, this is their job.  It is referred to as prospecting.  You are a prospect…

I’ve been through the coaching.  I know the drill…  Make 35 calls a day, 5 days a week.  From that, expect to get 10 appointments and from that, 4 listings.

But here is the problem…

Instead of spending time putting together marketing packages for homes, they are only putting together marketing packages for themselves…  If they list enough properties, something will sell.  Your property is a possible sale, not a priority.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

You won’t likely get a phone call from me… and certainly not at 6:00am.  You might see a newsletter.  If you contact me, you certainly WILL get a package regarding listing information.  But, instead of dreaming up ways to market ME… I am dreaming up ways to market YOUR HOME.  I am building web sites that are just for and about your home.  I am looking for ways to better connect with the buyers that are in the market now.  I am looking at market data and trends to see what is working.  I am looking at the analytics of the marketing I have done so that I can better see what has worked.

It isn’t about me.  I don’t want to be famous.  I don’t want 1000 listings.  I don’t need to market for my ego.

It IS about making YOUR home sell.

I do have to spend a little bit of time promoting myself… I do need some listings.  But I try not to be annoying about it.  I have dealt with pushy agents.  The can do really well… but I think that an agent that concentrates on getting homes sold can do better than an agent that concentrates on getting themselves sold.

I look forward to hearing from you.

from LilburnDwellings.com