A typical wheelie bin household waste receptacle

Image via Wikipedia

Late in 2008, Gwinnett County, GA, announced the implementation of a new Waste Management Plan.  I wrote about the announcement here…  You can check out the costs and so forth there…

Just a few weeks later, the plan was killed in court.  The trash haulers that weren’t selected successfully sued the county to stop the plan.  The plan was to take effect on January 2nd, 2009.

It’s Baaack…

On March 2nd, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners approved the plan.  It has been slightly modified, but is largely the same plan.  Instead of two haulers dividing up the county, now there are five haulers.  The plan is expected to start effective July 1st, 2010.

On the plus side, there should be curbside pick-up for more recyclable materials.  Costs are projected to be almost the same as they are for most private contracts.

Will it hold?  We’ll see…

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