Random Thoughts and Images from Hockey Camp...

G in the Line-Up...

Yes, I am a “Hockey Dad”. My 7 year old son has been playing hockey since 2008 (and yes, that means he started at age 4).  This is his 3rd year skating in the Come And Get It Hockey Camp (we call it CAGI Hockey).  He gets a week at the beginning of June and another in July.  I don’t know there is ANYTHING he looks forward to as much as hockey camp with Coach Sully.  This is his 3rd summer skating in the CAGI Hockey Camp.

Gwinnett Gladiator Danny Taylor Working with G on Goalie Techniques

Today is the last day for the June camp.  July’s camp will run from July 11th-15th.  And let me tell you… if you have a youth hockey player that can make it here for the camp… GET THEM HERE.  They will love it.  If you like hockey, whether you have a youth player or not, come over to the Duluth Ice Forum and watch some kids pour their heart into being better players.  These kids range in age from 4 years old to high school.  This afternoon (June 10th, 2011) the kids will be scrimmaging from 3:30-4:30. (I imagine that the timing will be similar for the July camp… but check back.)

I have been there for most of the ice sessions… there are 3 each day.  And the kids are amazing to watch.  Some of these kids surprise the Atlanta Thrashers that pop in during the day to watch.  There are some kids with SERIOUS skills.  Other players are more casual, but for camp, they push themselves pretty hard.

And the kid in the pics is mine… from the 2010 Camps.

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