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Category Archives: lilburn

The “BESTEST” Deals are Foreclosures (or short sales)

I almost hate using the words on the blog because Google is going to find out and people are going to come rushing in for short sale and foreclosure information… But, what they heck…

There is a very common misconception that the only way to get a deal is to buy

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Look for more “Surveys”…

There are a couple of things I have been working on for LilburnDwellings for 2009…

  • First will be to get into more listed properties to provide an unbiased look at the value of the property.

Because of MLS (Multiple Listing Service) rules and NAR (National Association of REALTORS) rules as well as GREC (Georgia Real Estate Commission) agency laws, I have to

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My predictions for 2009…

Real Estate and some otherwise…

For those that are interested, here are the predictions I made for 2008, as well as a wrap-up post about the results.  I was right on 6½ of the ten real estate predictions…  So here are the predictions for the coming year…

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Survey of New Listings…

I just ran a survey of the newly listed properties from the last 30 days.  I have to say that I am quite surprised by what I found…

I was looking specifically for how the listings were presented.  We know from every bit of research done on buyer behavior that photos and virtual tours are

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Back towards reality…

Christmas is behind us, and New Year’s Day is right around the corner.

If you are thinking that 2009 might be the year to buy a home, this is the time to start the planning process.  Unlike years past, buying a house in the current climate may take a little more work.

To start with

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