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Category Archives: lilburn

Like I didn’t have enough to do…

So, I write on Active|Rain… generally 10 posts a week… I know, I want the points, but it also keeps me disciplined. I write 7 posts a week for… again, one post a day is WAY easier for me to do that any other number because if I slack off the momentum, I might just stay slacked off…

But, now I am writing for

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Have you been to the Ranch? Yellow River Game Ranch

Sitting on the banks of the Yellow River, along US 78 in Lilburn, GA is the Yellow River Game Ranch.  Check below for more than 40 photos…

Rather than looking at exotic animals from afar, here the idea is up close and personal… occasionally VERY personal.  Here most of the animals wander the park with the visitors.  Of course the bears, bobcats, cougars, foxes and

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Going to break into the Top 50!

Jon Washburn at Active|Rain keeps a list of real estate blogs that he updates monthly.  The list is based on ranks from Compete and Alexa, and while informal and non-exhaustive is pretty cool.  The numbers are in and…

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Lilburn City Park… not just for Kids

Ok, not just for kids, but kids can certainly have a ball there.

To start with there is the giant playground.  It was built just a few years ago, and has a bunch of slides, several swings, a few climbing walls as well as a bunch of other toys…

In addition to the kids’ playground, there are tennis courts, a bandshell, playing/gathering field, a walking trail, pavilion and access to the Camp Creek Greenway Trail.  The park is located right in the heart of “Olde Town” Lilburn.

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