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Category Archives: news

Sneak Preview of my Market Report for Gwinnett County

I will have the Market Report for Gwinnett County in the next day or two, but I thought I would leak a little of the information. 

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Have you been left wondering how we’ve gotten here?

There are so many things going on in the world of finance right now.  I know that you are hearing about things like:

  • Mark to Market
  • Credit Market Freeze
  • Derivatives
  • Sub-Prime Mortgage Meltdown
  • Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS)

And there are a hundred more… 

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Who is John Galt?

If you didn’t immediately know what I was talking about from the title, you need to spend a little time here, and then a lot of time here. Keep in mind that this is a LONG book… 1200 pages. I’ve read my copy three times. It is an incredible book.

But, this isn’t all about the book (or the rumored movie with Angelina Jolie

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Don’t Panic

Yes, it would be one of the catch-lines from “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy“, but it could hardly be more appropriate to the situation that we are facing both locally and nationally.  And there are two very different situations that we are facing right now…

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Did you get Whammed by WaMu?

If you haven’t heard, Washington Mutual (WaMu) is the latest and biggest bank to fail.  The had put themselves on the block last week, but many industry folks had been waiting for them to fail for months.  They have been carrying a LOT of bad debt and debt that looked like it would go belly up.  They had a HUGE percentage of mortgages that were sub-prime, escalating and/or negative amortization… as well as Adjustable. 

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