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Category Archives: news

A Shadow of What it Once Was… GM

The news this week was that Saab was on the block… first the sale block, then the chopping block.  Now there are a couple of possibilities that might mean that Saab won’t go the way of Saturn, Oldsmobile and Pontiac.  Maybe closer to the way of Hummer, though…

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New Homes Around Gwinnett County

There are still some new home developments going up around Gwinnett County, GA.  Even though we keep hearing on the TV and radio that new construction has all but stalled, it hasn’t completely stopped.

And, December is traditionally the slowest month of the year for homes to go under contract (January is the slowest for closings…).  So, there are a number of builders that are offering incentives for buyers during this time of year.

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Wayback Wednesday… Zillow? et al

I had forgotten about this little gem…

Yesterday I mentioned that I hadn’t always been a big fan of Zillow.  I like their people, but I haven’t always liked the data on their site.  Today’s Wayback post is an early example of why.

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News from Zillow…

I participated in a conference call with David Gibbons from Zillow on Monday.  He was sharing a new program they will be offering beginning today.

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FHA Approvals are about to get HARDER…

That’s what we need, right?

My buddy Ken Cook wrote about the new guidelines for FHA mortgage loans. 

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