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Tag Archives: buyers

How many 4+ car garages are currently in Gwinnett County?

137…  Currently on the market.

I am asked that question periodically.  There are 137 homes on the market as of the time I am writing this that have 4 car garages in Gwinnett County, GA.  They range in price from $10.5M down to $154,900.  They are all over the county.  One has a 20 car garage, most are sliding in with the 4 car.  Several have outbuildings.  One is a horse farm with a big shop.  A couple of the garages have lifts.  A few of them are on Lake Lanier.

The median price is $722k.  The surroundings vary from subdivision to golf community to out of their own, and lots range from 1/3 acre to over 20 acres.  Some of the properties are “in the country”, or at least well away from current development, and others are in the thick of very popular areas.  They range from brand new to well seasoned, and one is a garage with a cottage on the property.

This is just the properties in Gwinnett County.  There are also similar properties available in Forsyth, Hall, DeKalb and other local areas.

If you are looking for a place to call home for both the family and the toys, let me know.  I have access to all of these, and new listings are coming on the market daily.  I look forward to hearing from you.

US Property on sale!!! 17% off

Of course there is one little hitch…  You have to be from outside the United States.

I just ran some numbers, and the US Dollar is at it’s lowest level in at least the last five years against both the Euro and the Pound.

For the Euro:

  • In January of 2003, the Euro was worth about $1.05.
  • As of Friday, it is worth about $1.47

For the Pound:

  • In January of 2003, the Pound was worth about $1.60.
  • As of Friday, it is worth about $1.99

Let’s put this into some real numbers.  We’ll assume that you were thinking of a home here in Atlanta to stay in while traveling for business or pleasure.  We’ll showcase a $300,000 home (in 2003):

  • In 2003, the home would have cost £187,500.
  • Or, it would have been €285,714.

The current value of the home (using averages) would be about $348,654… a gain of 16% over 5 years.  But:

  • It would only be worth £175,203 (a loss of 7%)
  • Or, it would be worth  €237179 (a loss of 17%)

However, there are two things to keep in mind.  the Atlanta market is different from some of the more popular markets with international buyers.  It hasn’t had the dramatic price appreciation of Los Angeles (73% increase), Miami (70%), Las Vegas (71%) or New York City (40%) during the same period.

Atlanta is also one of the best connected cities in the world, with Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (code ATL) having connections just about everywhere in the world.  In fact, ATL is one of the busiest airports in the world.

Finally, Atlanta has an incredible list of international businesses that conduct major operations here.  Aside from Delta, Coca-Cola and Home Depot; companies like UPS, Newell-Rubbermaid, FedEx, Siemens AG and Philips have major operations here.  Atlanta is a logistical and transportation hub for the eastern United States.  Another side benefit, it locating an office here, is that lease rates for office and warehouse space are both more plentiful, and cheaper than other eastern cities like Boston and New York City.

The case for the value of future investment.

Atlanta didn’t have the big run up in property values other major US cities experienced.  While jobs and population here DID grow… often at rates higher than cites with higher property appreciation, the geographic boundaries (or lack of impediments to growth) allowed housing to keep up and keep prices reasonable.  The benefit now is that while many other major US cities are poised to have property values decline, Atlanta should be able to maintain a more stable value going forward.

So, if the exchange rates of the US Dollar v. the Pound and/or the Euro return to historical norms, while the US Dollar value of the real estate remains stable or grows even slightly, the gains may be pretty substantial.  Returning to the 2003 exchange rate, without a increase in the US Dollar value of the property would yield:

  • a 24% increase in the Pound value  (£217,908)
  • a 40% increase in the Euro value (€332,051)

Imagine if the real estate market continues to chug along at even a modest increase…

Sources for this post include Forbes Magazine, Yahoo, Yahoo, S&P/Case-Shiller indices for statistics and background information.

If you are interested in other US cities, I call offer referrals to agents anywhere in the US.  I have access to an incredible database of high performance agents.

I look forward to helping you with your property needs in the US.

The better way to look at everything

Part of my daily reading ritual includes Seth Godin’s blog.  He is often described as a marketing genius.  I think that well might be true.  But, his blog isn’t just about marketing, but also often touches on greater issues.  This one certainly did.  Although, he actually wrote it four years ago… still rings true.  Did you go read it?  I’ll wait…    …   … … .. .

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Say it until it is true!!!… NOT.

While researching yesterday’s blog entry, I ran across this little tidbit.  Frankly, it p***es me off.  I am proud to be a member of the NAR.  I think that there is a place for a strong voice both for real estate professionals, and to champion the issues for increasing home ownership for consumers.

But this is downright stupid.  Whistling past the graveyard.  Spinning… without anything to spin.

Just as

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Housing apocolypse revisited

I ran across a post on Active Rain that pointed me to an outside article that talks about the need for at least a 20% reduction in home prices in order for families to be able to afford to buy. Well, I love it when there are specific claims and statistics. I can usually verify and refute or support specifics. When someone tosses out some general and off the cuff stats, they can’t be verified.

So, I ran into one problem,

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