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Tag Archives: garage

Luxurious Entry Level Homes?

I was out today with a client looking at entry level homes. One of the homes we looked at turned out to be a seemingly under-priced townhome. This wasn’t of interest to my client, but it did have some interest for me. But, it got me thinking… (regular readers will recognize the danger here)

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Cool Toys and Ideas for the Garage

Since I am an admitted garage guy, I obviously like the toys that go into a cool garage.

OK, the ultimate garage toy is a really cool ride. Street rods, sports cars, racers, Jeeps, 4x4s, even boats and other things are the ultimate garage accessories. But, what goes into make a cool garage aside from the rides?

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I’m telling you… The GARAGE is the new Media Room

Take a look…

The Chicago Tribune posted a story today about garages. Here are a couple of excerpts:

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Does this mean I’m actually Green?!?

I have been reading a bit about green construction, and green living, and green (yada, yada, yada fading away…)

Let’s see.

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Repairs, Improvements, Upgrades and Resale

After posting up about What buyers are looking for yesterday, I got to thinking about an article I wrote on my website a couple of months ago. I thought it might go well here also. It is a little more specific about what I am looking for when I am looking at a home from a buyer’s perspective.

Many people make improvements or modifications to their homes. Some are made to increase the livability of the house, other are made to increase its value. Still others are made to put the house back into working order.

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